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Reports & Articles

In this space you will find a diverse range of articles highlighting ways to help people identify, understand, and address self-stigma and ultimately increase wellbeing and better mental health.


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List of Resources provided by Beyond Stigma

The resources in this list have been produced by Beyond Stigma and carefully curated for readers to find
the information they need when planning to do work on Self-Stigma.

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Wakakosha “You are Worth it”

Reported impact of a community-based, peer-led HIV self-stigma intervention to improve self-worth and wellbeing among young people living with HIV in Zimbabwe

Socio-Ecological Models of Self-Stigma

Using an adaptation of Bronfenbrenner's Socio-Ecological Model, Beyond Stigma explains how self-stigma impacts people and communities on multiple scales.


From the Inside Out: Dealing with TB-related self-stigma and shame

“From the Inside Out '' is a training toolkit designed to help people identify, understand, and address self-stigma and anticipated stigma. It specifically provides a framework and tools to reduce self-stigma in people with tuberculosis (TB). It is intended for use by NGOs, National TB Programmes and TB Support Groups.

COVID-19: Spread solidarity and love, not stigma and fear
New Guide

In the midst of a health crisis, stigma often thrives on fear. Developed by Beyond Stigma, this resource highlights stigma and self-stigma related to COVID-19 and provides tools to make sure that we do not stigmatize ourselves and others.

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TB Stigma Measurement Guidance

TB Stigma Measurement Guidance document developed by KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation is a USAID-funded, KNCV-led Challenge TB project. This is a user-friendly manual that will assist those wishing to understand TB stigma, develop, and measure their own TB stigma reduction interventions.

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Fast Track Cities London

Co-produced by Beyond Stigma and a global community of practice with a wealth of expertise and research in HIV and Stigma, the Fast Track Cities London framework has been designed for empowerment of programmes tackling self-stigma.

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Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate All Forms of HIV-Related Stigma and Discrimination by UNAIDS/GNP+

The document outlines the objective for global partnership to address HIV-related Stigma and discrimination. "Without addressing HIV-related stigma and discrimination, the world will not achieve the goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030."

UNAIDS and stop Aids Alliance 2015 | Reference Communities Deliver.

The critical report draws on multiple sources to document the many ways in which communities are advancing the response to AIDS, and the evidence for the effectiveness of these responses.

On page 55, ‘We are the change’ is highlighted with services to address self stigma among people living with HIV. 

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